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Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz
Crystals Gems StonesVendor
Dancing Moon Raleigh
You probably think of Clear Quartz when you hear "crystal." It's the most famous one. There are countless types of crystals, but this one is widely known. Clear Quartz can come in an icy clear form or with different effects like color variations, inclusions, veils, or bubbles. Despite appearance, a quartz's energy strength isn't normally tied to its visual clarity but its ability to boost subtle energy.
Quartz is known as a strong stone. It's often labelled as the "Universal Crystal" because of its many roles. Quartz boosts energy as it can absorb, store, increase, balance, focus, and transmit it. This stone helps channel cosmic energy. Furthermore, Quartz strengthens thoughts as they're also a form of energy. It's greatly useful due to its ability to navigate and magnify energy, assisting in manifestation, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. This stone proves beneficial when storing and recalling all kinds of information, since information is also an energy pattern. This makes them ideal for setting up for specific uses. Quartz's balancing capability makes it perfect for creating harmony and balance in one's surroundings. It's also helpful for charging other crystals.
- Amplifies and harmonizes with other crystals' energies.
- Brings positivity & raises the vibration of the room & your energy field.