Violet Flame Workshop with Author and Artist Denise Kane

Violet Flame Workshop with Author and Artist Denise Kane

Presentation ~ Saturday, January 11, 2024, 2:00-4:00 Presentation – The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! Workshop & PowerPoint Presentation   Discover your power and learn to become a master of […]

Presentation ~ Saturday, January 11, 2024, 2:00-4:00

Presentation – The Violet Flame: A Game Changer!

Workshop & PowerPoint Presentation


Discover your power and learn to become a master of energy with a powerful and accessible tool known as the violet flame and experience this transformative power firsthand. This enlightening PowerPoint Presentation will show you how—based on a powerful, easy-to-use tool called the violet flame, to transmute pain, negativity, and a whole gamut of unresolved feelings that weigh a person down. The violet flame has the spiritual power to change negative energy into positive.


You’ll learn …

  • how it works
  • its many uses
  • how to activate
  • the power of decreeing
  • how it complements the Law of Attraction
  • Saint Germain and Lady Portia’s pivotal role in Earth’s Ascension


It has the ability to …

  • heal your body by restoring natural flow of life force energy
  • transmutes negativity and limiting beliefs from the mental body
  • clears the emotional body by releasing guilt, fear, anger, grief, depression
  • claim personal freedom, joy and peace
  • feel good … your Divine Birthright


Decreeing as little as fifteen minutes daily is proven to permanently transmute pain and suffering and enrich your life in ways you could not have imagined.
Cost $50 (cash preferred)
Additional presentation at Dancing Moon on March 22, 2025.













About Me

I’m Denise Kane, local author, artist, teacher, channel, and Reiki Master. Empowering others and sharing the violet flame to heal the world is my mission.

I take pleasure in instructing others in techniques that I'm passionate about and have personally validated. Imparting the violet flame knowledge to individuals so they can take back their power and heal is immensely gratifying.

This workshop was conceived with guidance from Saint Germain. Initiated in 2015, it is still conducted today. The PowerPoint presentation is designed to be
experiential and interactive, allowing for questions, discussions, and clarification.

My book, The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! is available at Dancing Moon. Based on a powerful, easy-to-use tool called the violet flame, this book illustrates how
to transform various forms of pain—be it physical, mental, or emotional—along with an array of burdensome emotions that can oppress an individual. It contains forty-six original decrees to assist with personal growth, wellness and enlightenment.

With my love for the Violet Flame, I infuse it into my clients; Reiki healing sessions, along with the assistance of the Angels/Legions of Light.

Three years ago, an intense urge to paint the violet flame in abstract form awakened within me. Now, these high vibrational paintings, channeled as portals to higher consciousness, are available at Dancing Moon. They enhance meditation, assist in healing, and foster connections to the spiritual realm.

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