Hello lovely,
My name is Rachael. I’m an intuitive reader who primarily uses Lenormand cards to offer help to those seeking insights into what’s going on in their lives.
What is Lenormand, you might ask? How is it different or the same from Tarot? I like to say, if Tarot readings are like a good session with your talk-therapist getting deep into the heart of the matter, Lenormand is like brunch with your BFF who will tell it to you straight, but with love. Lenormand is a bit more literal, and a smidge sassy.
I believe we can get glimmers of what might be most likely to come to pass, especially in the nearer future, which is where Lenormand shines. But we are, I believe, nonetheless somehow also creatures of free will; so things change and we change things.
Divining is done, at least by me and those I have learned from, to provide counsel, the chance to explore how you might feel about an outcome one way or another, to caution or prepare, to shed light, but never to tell you how to live your own life.
Quick Question – $35 5-card spread
Deceptively simple, this small spread is in many ways where Lenormand really shines. The more specific the question, the more direct the answer. Great as a “gut check” on that nagging thing that’s been on your mind you can’t stop wondering about. Expect this reading to be short and sweet, 15 minutes.
Diving Deeper – $50 9-card spread
Also known as a “portrait” spread, this is a beautiful reading to get a picture of what is going on around a situation in your life. More easily suited to an open-ended inquiry or seeking a more nuanced understanding. This reading takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes to complete.
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