Reader – Dr. John Wessels M.B.A., M.Div., Ph.D. – Master Astrologer & Palm Reader

Reader – Dr. John Wessels M.B.A., M.Div., Ph.D. – Master Astrologer & Palm Reader

For over 50 years, John has mastered the art of Jungian astrology by interpreting  thousands of astrological charts for clients throughout the world, providing answers to their vitally important questions […]

For over 50 years, John has mastered the art of Jungian astrology by interpreting  thousands of astrological charts for clients throughout the world, providing answers to their vitally important questions about relationships, wealth, health, family psychodynamics and careers. John is also a Jungian analytical psychologist with expertise in counseling and shadow healing. He also has expertise in finance relative to global economic, currency and investment/banking systems.

John’s Career in astrology started in his early teens when his two aunts, who were professional astrologers in Philadelphia, taught him the art of archetype astrology. He has expertise in analyzing and intuiting Jungian archetypes imbedded in natal, progressed, transit, and synastry composite charts. He’s also well versed in horary and mundane astrology.

John’s specialties include depth psychology, shadow healing, hypnotherapy, therapeutic and spiritual counseling for individuals and couples, financial consultations tailored to the 21st century, and astrological guidance for women who are trying to conceive, as well as Jungian archetype and spiritual life path analysis.

John was the Judo instructor for Duke University Physical Education Department, and the President and chief instructor of the Duke Karate Club for fourteen years. He also served as a Chaplain in the Duke University Hospital and Medical Center.

John holds B.A., M.B.A., M.Div., and Ph.D. degrees from Duke University, as well as a third degree Black Belt (san dan) in Shorin-Ryu Karate Do and a first degree Black Belt (sho dan) in Judo.  He graduated first in his class at the Fuqua School of Business, and was a Distinguished Fuqua Scholar.

Session Pricing; $70 | 30 minutes, $125 | 60 minutes
For More Information
Email John Wessels | John’s Linkedin

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