Reader – Christine Daly

Christine Daly

Reader – Christine Daly

Hello, my name is Christine Daly Harper, thank you for visiting my profile. I moved to the United States at the age of ten from Malaysia. My family and I […]

Hello, my name is Christine Daly Harper, thank you for visiting my profile. I moved to the United States at the age of ten from Malaysia. My family and I lived in California, Los Angeles and San Diego. I have always been intuitive but at the age of three traumatic events had caused me to block most of my gifts. I have embraced intuition and further studies in search of a solution to my chronic nightmares about my past lives.

I met Rebecca Helgesen and had my Akashic Records read and it answered a lot of questions in my past. The Master in the Akashic Record informs me that I am an old soul and I have been a healer in most of my lifetimes. After delving into my Akashic Record over five years ago I knew it was time to open the door to all the gifts the universe had given to this soul. I have always believed in studying all methods of healing.

  • Akashic Records
  • Advance Angel Intuitive Healing, Angel Card Reading/Spirit Counseling
  • Angelic Healing with the Archangels, Assistance in Life Path, Divine Life Purpose and decision making
  • Crystal Energy healing
  • Dragon Healing and Retrieving your personal Dragon
  • DoTerra AromaTouch Essential oil Kinetic Energy healing
  • Reiki Master Healing
  • Core Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Counseling, Divination, Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction Healing, Soul Retrieval,
  • Psychopomp, Past Life Regression and much more.

Session Pricing: $70/30mins, $125/ 60mins: Cash, PayPal and Check

For more information: Call Christine at 919.815.9570 or Email

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