Reader-Cherie Lassiter

Reader-Cherie Lassiter

Spiritual Guide/Channel Ordained Priestess Teacher/Lecturer Recording Artist I have over twenty-five years of experience as a psychic channel and teacher in the spiritual community. I have traveled and worked internationally, […]

Spiritual Guide/Channel Ordained Priestess Teacher/Lecturer Recording Artist

I have over twenty-five years of experience as a psychic channel and teacher in the spiritual community. I have traveled and worked internationally, and I have appeared on television as well as numerous radio shows. I use my clairaudience to hear your spirit guides and deliver psychic messages to you. I can help you overcome blocks in your life by clarifying core issues and patterns that prevent you from fulfilling your purpose and passion. Often these blocks are residue from past lives. I am also a Tarot Reader and I give readings twice a month. I am very accurate with time frames concerning any question or issue. I am also a Medium if you need comfort from the dearly departed as well as a Pet Psychic if you want to understand your pet’s needs. I am an Ordained Priestess in the Order of Melchizadek with the Sanctuary of the Beloved and I am a powerful channel for light and healing. I am a High Priestess in the Wiccan tradition and have performed many rituals including Handfastings, Sabbats and Wiccanings. I am a practicing White Witch and I offer classes and workshops. I have written for many publications and am a regular contributor for Innerchange Magazine based in North Carolina. I am also a poet and songwriter with two published albums that can be purchased in metaphysical shops. ***Call the psychic that the psychics call with their personal questions or concerns. *** *** Cherie is available for private consultation either in person or by phone. *** Cherie has been playing music her entire life and in 1995 released the critically acclaimed album “Heart Shadows” Session Pricing $65 / 30 minutes $100 / 60 minutes. Cash Only.

 For More Information Email Cherie Lassiter at

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