OCTOBER 18, 2024
11:00 A.M. – 2:00 PM
Hey, I’m Meredith Martin! I’m a former nurse turned past life psychic. Whether you’re wanting to learn how to recall your own past life memories by yourself or someone who’s just curious about reincarnation – I’m here to support you in the way you need most.
Sessions can include but aren’t limited to…
- Current life memories
- Memories from past lifetimes
- Messages from Angels
- Messages from deceased loved ones.
I never know what you’re going to experience during a session & I can’t make promises you will experience a specific outcome. But I always intend to receive and convey the most compassionate, loving and emotionally supportive messages to come through. I value respect, non-judgement, non-shame, open mindedness, and active listening in every session. Because you are a light in this world. One who is growing, evolving and beautifully serving this earth and it is such an honor and a privilege to work with you in this sacred capacity.
Teaching Sessions: where you learn how to see your own past life memories without hypnosis.
30 minutes – $90
60 minutes – $175
Intuitive Sessions: where I tell you what I’m picking up on intuitively.
30 minutes – $50
60 minutes – $110
Know more about me: