Have you ever wanted to know more precisely just what your Soul Purpose is? Or, if you already know, would you like more clarity about how to elevate your path in order to better accomplish your purpose? Through a combination of lecture, consciousness expansion exercises, and meditation, this workshop will help illuminate your true soul purpose and inspire your path ahead!
Great for beginners and more advanced seekers. Please bring water, dress comfortably, and prepare to have fun!
When: Saturday, June 3, 2023 from 3-5pm,
Where: Dancing Moon Books & Gifts, 1840 Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh.
Cost: $30, CASH or CHECK at the door, walk-ins welcome. Pre-register by card.
For more info or to register text or call 305-343-2896, or email HaloHealingArts@gmail.com
Facilitated by Rebecca Ann Helgesen
Rebecca worked as a Sukyo Mahi Kari Healer for 9 years during the 90’s, became a Reiki Master in 2002, and graduated from the Barbara Brennan Healing School’s 4 year Professional healing program in 2003. She has worked as a full-service Astrologer and a Psychic Medium since 1997, and as an Akashic Records Consultant since 2005. Rebecca holds a B.A. in Communications, and had practices in the Washington, DC area and Miami, FL before moving to North Carolina in 2006. She now has an office in Raleigh and works by Zoom and phone with people all over the world.